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Where do you ship to?

Anywhere in the United States

How long does shipping take?

Depends on where you are located. Your package will be coming from South Carolina, so typically 2-4 days (unless the carrier is having issues).

Most of the time your order will get packed and sent out either same day or next business day.

How do I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking ID.


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How do I return an item?

Just send an email to and let us know your order number and the item you are returning. We will confirm that it is within the time frame on our policy and give you the address to ship back to.

How long does it take to process my return?

Give us 1-2 days upon receipt. We will send an email confirmation including your store credit and how to use it.

Does my store credit expire?

No! Your store credit never expires.